Masquerade - Where "BOYS have FUN being GIRLS!"

After a visit to our web site..
" .... a warm and friendly group with a great attitude."

Winnipeg Sun columnist "Miss LonelyHearts", Maureen Scurfield.
Printed in The Winnipeg Sun
- September 2, 2003

Masquerade is a social club in Winnipeg for Crossdressers, Transvestites and Transsexuals, and their wives/girlfriends to meet, socialize and learn from one another in a safe and understanding environment.

Confused? Many Crossdressers, Transvestites, and transsexuals are! We all at one time or another have been afraid, and ashamed of who we are. This is not necessary. We are not sick as many who do not know or understand us are easily led to believe by many, including tabloids and ratings hungry talk shows.

Many of us are parents, loving spouses, and everyday normal people. We are teachers, managers, business owners, mechanics, truck drivers, police officers, security personnel, doctors, lawyers, city workers, politicians, military personnel, and the list goes on. We simply share the need to express our feminine sides, to understand ourselves and make ourselves complete.

Although Masquerade is a friendly and laid back group, we do take two things very seriously. Our members privacy as mentioned earlier, and our morals as a club. We do not exist to provide or encourage any kind of sexual activity for anyone, be they members or not. We are of course open minded and tolerant as we would expect others to be regarding us, but it must be clear that we are not about sex. What you do in your own home and with whom is up to you. We do not provide anything in our group like that. Come and make friends and learn about the gender gifted, but don't come expecting to have some kinky fantasy fulfilled.

At Masquerade, privacy is assured to everyone. We understand everyone's apprehension about this lifestyle, and hope that together we can help our members, spouses and friends understand how harmless and enjoyable cross dressing can be and how important it is that the transgendered discover that they are not alone.

Our members have various comfort levels, from those who are happy to come out to meetings in drab, to learn about themselves, to those who "Get Pretty" for the monthly Masquerade Program & Social Evenings, to those who enjoy experiencing the real world as a "part-time" girl for outings to shopping malls, movie theaters and restaurants, to the TG Friendly clubs in Winnnipeg.

Yes, Winnipeg, and the Winnipeg business community is very accepting of our Masquerade members.

Click HERE to join in the fun!

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All photos are used with permission.

© Masquerade 2009